On 15 May 2007, during the meeting of the Political-Military Steering Committee on PfP DRESMARA was acknowledged as a NATO Partnership Training and Education Centre (PTEC) and, hence, the 11th PTEC accredited defense establishment.
DRESMARA offers 6 courses with the higher level of accreditation - NATO APPROVED:
The accreditation of DRESMARA’s courses as “NATO APPROVED” represents a recognition on behalf of NATO that DRESAMARA’s educational programs measure up to the following standards:
On 18.12.2015, DRESMARA was awarded, for the first time, with the NATO Quality Assurance Certification, by Joint Force Trainer / Allied Command Transformation, for its contribution to produce high quality for NATO Education and Training. Through sustained efforts DRESMARA has established as continuous and permanent objective to set conditions in improving the quality standards of individual education and training, using effective planning and solving problems, which resulted in an increased level of educational quality. Specifically DRESMARA was found to have:
After completing the reaccreditation process, on 28.10.2022, DREMARA received, for the second time, the NATO Quality Assurance Certification.
Being awarded with Unconditional Accreditation for six years (2022-2028), DRESMARA will continue to strive in enhancing the institutional quality assurance of education, by implementing all recommendations included in the JFT’s evaluation report, as well as maintaining and further developing the identified Best Practices.
Concept for Partnership Training and Education Centers - PO(2012)0045
A "Partnership Training and Education Centre" (PTEC) is a national or multinationally sponsored facility, recognised by NATO which, by the decision of the sponsoring nation(s), conducts education and training activities related to NATO partnership programmes and policies and which is open to Allies and partners.
The PTECs are a Community of Education, Training and Research Partnerships promoting transparency and mutual understanding for sustainable global peace, security and stability achieved through: "Cooperation Coordination Inclusivity Communication Networking Standardization".
They represent a global network of educational and training establishments promoting collaborative initiatives and quality instruction to enhance capacity building, interoperability and a comprehensive understanding of wider security issues.
The PTECs offer to both military and civilian audiences' courses, seminars and workshops of academic character, providing education, training and instruction in diverse areas consistent with the objectives and priorities of NATO's policy on partnerships. They may also provide platforms for training of a more operational character by offering both classroom and field training or a venue for exercises.
Details of the activities by each Centre are included in the Partnership Cooperation Menu (PCM) via the Partnership Real-time Information Management and Exchange system (ePRIME).
(excerpt from the Concept for Partnership Training and Education Centers - PO(2012)0045)