NATO “Advanced Distributed Learning” Working Group (ADL WG)

Mr. MAJ. Florin OGÎGĂU, Head of IT Compartment, participated in the meeting of the NATO Advanced Distributed Learning Working Group (ADL WG) within the PfP Consortium of Defense Academies and Security Studies Institutes held in Chisinau, Moldova, between 13 and 16 November. 26 representatives of defense education and training institutions from 14 NATO and partner countries, as well as representatives of the NATO College of Rome and NATO School Oberamergau attended this event.

During the activity, there were presented and discussed the current issues and initiatives of the defense education and training institutions, including DRESMARA, and NATO structures in the field of ADL in NATO and the NATO Partnership, how to use the new platform provided by Global Net, the possibility to use by the partner countries of the courses already developed on the ADL NATO platform, as well as international experience in the field of IT security.

It was emphasized the need for the ADL community to develop educational initiatives and the use of modern technologies (cloud computing, virtual reality, artificial intelligence) in order to optimize the efficiency of the educational process and adapt the programs to the current organizational dynamics.

It have been also analyzed the possibility of developing a framework to measure the effectiveness of the ADL programs and how to set performance indicators.