The 22 Annual Partnership Training and Education Centres Commandants Conference - PTEC CC 2023
The director of DRESMARA, Colonel Florin-Eduard GROSARU, professor, PhD, participated in the 22 Annual Partnership Training and Education Centres Commandants Conference (PTEC CC) organized by the Education and Training Plans and Policies Branch/ Joint Force Development Directorate/Headquarters Supreme Allied Commander Transformation and the NATO School Oberammergau and hosted by the Colombian International Demining Center (CIDES) between 22 and 25 May 2023, in Bogota D.C., Republic of Colombia.
Designed to identify areas of mutual cooperation and to promote the main objectives and areas of practical military cooperation described in the PTEC Concept approved by the North Atlantic Council, the conference had the following objectives:
- to further integrate efforts of all centers;
- align PTECs with NATO's Education and Training in order to meet current and future requirements and make decisions on open issues with regards to strengthening practical cooperation;
- how the community can best support Ukraine in the key domains of military education and training;
- how the community can best support Ukraine in key areas of military education and training.
The conference was attended by:
- representatives from various NATO command structures: Defense and Security Cooperation Directorate/Operations Division/International Secretariat, International Military Secretariat, Partnerships Directorate/Supreme Command of the Allied Forces in Europe (SHAPE) Defense and Security Cooperation Directorate/Operations Division/International Staff (IS), International Military Staff, Partnership Directorate/Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE);
- commandants and representatives of 19 centers, as well as, as a guest, the commandant of the Qatari Joint Warfare Training Centre, an institution with PTEC candidate status.
Multilateral break-out sessions were included in the agenda in order to foster discussion on how PTECs can work together for the benefits of the PTEC Community, NATO and Partner Education and Training and to share experience and best practices in different areas of individual education and training.
During the Conference, PTEC commandants had the opportunity to receive updates on specific issues of different NATO entities, discussed outcomes of the PTEC Working Group 2022 and made recommendations for 2024.
The participants visited the CIDES facilities on May 23, where demonstration exercises specific to demining training were also presented.