The Regional Department of Defense Resources Management Studies (DRESMARA), in collaboration with the Military Sciences Section of the Romanian Academy of Scientists, War Studies University from Warsaw/Poland, "Alexandru cel Bun" Military Academy of the Armed Forces/Republic of Moldova, National School of Political and Administrative Studies (SNSPA), "Transilvania" University from Brasov and "Political Research Group" NGO, organized, the 16th edition of the International Scientific Conference "Defense Resources Management in the 21st Century" (CoDRM) between 28 and 29 October, 2021.

Under the motto "Defence of the future: Innovation, Technology and Resilience", CoDRM brought together academic teaching staff, PhD candidates, students, courses participants and not least, management and geopolitics experts, to exchange experience and share results of their research on the most diverse aspects of resource management in the spirit of new changes brought about by the current security environment.

The high level of the conference was supported by the following keynote speakers who chaired the plenary sessions of the conference: Mr Ioan-Mircea PAȘCU, Professor, PhD and Liliana POPESCU, Professor, PhD/SNSPA Bucharest, Dr. Oana Antonia COLIBĂȘANU, Vice-president for Strategic Relationships and senior geopolitical analyst at Geopolitical Futures, Mr Silviu NATE, security analyst, specialized in geo-politics, Associate professor at the Department of International Relations, Political and Security Studies at the Social Sciences Faculty, ”Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu, and director of the Global Studies Center in the same institution, Brigadier General Anton-Mugurel ROG , the head of the National Cyberint Center within the Romanian Intelligence Service, Mr Jean-François RIPOCHE, PhD, Director for Research, Technology and Innovation at the European Defense Agency, Mr Joshua M. BURGIN, coordinator of the New Security Leaders Program at the Warsaw Security Forum and advisor to the European Academy of Diplomacy, Mr David RADER, Deputy Director in the Office of Foreign Investment Review (FIR) with focus on national economic security, foreign direct investment, trade and industrial policy, and matters under the purview of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), Mr James BLACK, research leader at RAND Europe, European lead for the RAND Space Enterprise Initiative and COL eng. Andrzej SOBOŃ, Associate professor, PhD, Dean of the Faculty of National Security/ War Studies University, Warsaw, Poland.

The proceedings of the conference took place both in plenary sessions and in 6 specific sections, in strict compliance with the measures to prevent the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 virus:

  • "face to face"
    • Military Strategies and Defense Planning, Theories and Practices in Management, Information Science - moderators: Associate professor Maria CONSTANTINESCU, PhD / DRESMARA and Lecturer Brîndușa Maria POPA, PhD / DRESMARA;
  • online
    • Defense Economics, Transatlantic Cooperation and Social Sciences - moderators: Associate professor Vlad-Ionuț DUMITRACHE, PhD / DRESMARA and Ms. Liliana FILIP, PhD candidate / “Political Research Group”.

As a result of the great scientific prestige accumulated during the previous editions, the conference joint wide national and international participants, with 34 papers by 50 authors, individually or collectively, as follows:

  • at national level - 26 papers with 39 authors, representing:
    • military educational institutions (DRESMARA, "Nicolae Bălcescu" Land Forces Academy, "Mircea cel Bătrân" Naval Academy) and other structures / units of the Ministry of National Defense (Scientific Research Center for CBRN Defense and Ecology, Human Resources Management General Directorate, NATO HUMINT Center of Excellence, etc.) - 22 articles / 31 authors;
    • universities (Academy of Economic Studies / Bucharest, Oradea, ”Lucian Blaga” / Sibiu, ”Transylvania” / Brașov) - 3 articles / 7 authors;
    • students - ”Defense resources management” master program/ DRESMARA - 1 article / 1 author;
  • at international level - 8 articles with 11 authors, representing military educational institutions and structures of the Ministries of Defense ("General Jonas Zemaitis" Military Academy / Lithuania, "Alexandru cel Bun" Military Academy of the Armed Forces / Republic of Moldova, University of War Studies, Warsaw / Poland, Ministry of Defense / Tunisia), universities ("Mykolas Romeris" University / Lithuania, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University and Istinye University / Turkey).

The 16th edition of the conference offered the perfect framework for relevant scientific debates on concepts, principles and trends in the fields of economics and defense planning, theories and practices in management, social sciences, transatlantic cooperation and information science in the new context of changes generated by the current security environment.

Last but not least, the impeccable administrative organization of the conference and, implicitly, the fulfillment of the proposed objectives, as well as the media coverage is also due to the support of the sponsors “PRIETENII DRESMARA” Association, SC OPTOELECTRONICA 2001 SA, SOFT GALAXI and Casa de Vinuri COTNARI and media partners DC News, Radio România Actualități și INTERVIO.