NATO Human Capital Enhancement Strategic Leadership Initiative Conference

On 15 April 2021, COL eng. VASILESCU Cezar, professor, PhD, habl., and Ms CODREANU Aura, associate professor, PhD, participated in the proceedings of the "Human Capital Enhancement Strategic Leadership Initiative Conference", held in online format.

The conference, coordinated by Allied Command Transformation / Joint Force Development Directorate, had as goal to develop valuable curricula (academic programs) for Strategic, Operational, and Tactical level (OF3 - OF7, NCO, equivalent civilians).

The objective of the event, which was attended by representatives of NATO education and training facilities (ETF), ETF accredited by NATO and other military educational institutions, command and operational structures from NATO and partner states and national liaison representatives, was to have an agreement with the nations regarding a common individual education backbone.

The aim of the conference was to develop educational strategies and their implementation in the online training process, as well as to support and extend these concepts to partner states.

DRESMARA representative presented institution’s availability to contribute to the Strategic Leadership Initiative.