Archive organized by years


Rank Promotion Ceremony

On 06 April 2015 DRESMARA’s officers and warrant officers, fulfilling the promotion requirements listed in the 80/1995 Bill, article 45, letter b and letter e, were advanced to the next rank during a special ceremony.

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ERASMUS programm

On 24 March 2015, DRESMARA received a delegation from the National Defense University in Warsaw, Poland in order to promote cooperation and exchange of experience, under the ERASMUS Programm - mobility for teachers and support staff.

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Common Security and Defense Policy Seminar

Between 16 - 20.03.2015, Colonel Cătălin ANTON attended the “Common Security and Defense Policy Seminar”, held in Bruxelles, Belgium, as a part of “Transnational network of integrated management of intelligent doctoral and postdoctoral research in the fields of Military Science, Security and Intelligence, Public order

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